Friday, October 20, 2006


Could someone please tell me why these human rights, women's rights, babies rights activists groups are up in arms because Madonna circumvented the system and adopted an African baby. Does anybody really have a problem with any multi-millionaire adopting a baby? I'm mean really? So what if Madonna used her fame to adopt a baby and proceeded to take it out of Africa for whatever reason. I'm sure the baby would've been better off in Africa. There's no diseases there or anything. Right? Wrong!!! If that baby was adopted by an African family and stayed in Africa it would have been exposed to malaria, aids and not to mention the scores of other communicable diseases rampant on that continent. Also, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the infrastructure in Africa that handles power and water. Yeah right, I'm sure the baby would've been better off. Hey Madonna, how about you adopt me and we'll call it even.


IAMRONIN said...

Does this not bother anybody but me?

Megan said...

Did you see the article in today's Pilot about this? Page A2. . .

IAMRONIN said...

Yes I did! Sounds like the baby daddy is trying to make a few bucks on the deal. "Oh, I didn't understand what adoption meant." No freak, you understood just fine when you saw your little baby getting on a plane with another couple. You just didn't understand how much money Madonna actually had. I say, if he wants his baby back he can have it. But when that baby gets old enough, it's gonna be like - "Dad, you Asshole! I could've had it all!"

Megan said...

Ever given up a child?

IAMRONIN said...

Twice! Once to a biilionaire oil man and once to a crack head. I think I may have made a mistake with the later.