I am interested in getting some feedback from the anti-gun, pro registration , I must have a waiting period, leftist liberals who think that guns are the enemy. Saying that guns kill people because it was the gun that actually did the killing is like saying, it was the car not the idiot driving who just so happened to blow a stop sign and a 2.3 BAC. Guns believe it or not are part of our history and our society. They aren't going anywhere. Guns don't kill people, cars don't kill people, no no no. PEOPLE kill PEOPLE! Plain and simple. I remember back in the late 90's when I was driving back from DC and at 2am when I jumped off the highway, I was approached by a man. All I can say is, "thank you framers for that little 27 word amendment. The second amendment! I was approached by this man as I stood by my car (I had to get off the highway to relieve myself after my second bottle of Jolt). I warned him to stop and he kept approaching. I gave him one final warning and then pulled out my gun (YES, I was strapped) and he then turned around and began to run. Whose to say, but I believe in my heart that the gun saved my life. It is something that you would rather have and not need then need and not have. Besides, I'd rather be judged by 12 then carried by six. So all of you candyass, lilylivered, bleeding heart liberals, don't knock it until you've tried it. I invite all of you to go to the range and blow off a few (hundred) rounds. There's nothing like it save for sex. I bet you that if you were in my situation, you would've been thrilled that you had something to defend yourself with besided the New York Times editorial on gun control. I dare you to respond.
Guns certainly make it a lot easier for people to kill people, and that IS the whole purpose of guns, whereas the purpose of a car is just to get you from point A to point B.
Guns offer protection through the threat of doing harm, and I'm pretty sure the Framers didn't write the 2nd amendment with the intention of having you walk through the streets of Philly wielding a 12-gauge shotgun. That's why they put that bit in there about a well-regulated militia. Check out A Well-Regulated Militia: The Founding Fathers and the Origins of Gun Control in America by Saul Cornell.
I tell you what, you read the book and I'll go shoot things with you. Deal?
Some crazy bastard told me that some day the meek are going to inherit the earth (probably some liberal panty-waste). Since you have more experience than I, is it possible to feel meek while blowing off a few hundred rounds? I'd try it, I just don't want to ruin my chances at inheritance & shit, ya know? Plus, think of all the energy and raw material that went into producing those guns and ammo, just to have them fired into a target rather than a living being. Seems kind of wasteful, don't you think? You see, we all need to start making lifestyle changes... (How was that for ball-busting?)
Outstanding Chris! That's some funny shit. But remember, when we do run out of our natural resources, a firearm may be necessary to protect our families and our stuff (purchased at Wal-mart or not). So you better know how to use one when the time comes. By the way, I make all my own ammo (so no waste). I keep all of my casings and the primers are easy to produce. The gun powder comes from a company about an hour away so you got me on that one - SHIT! I would just like for the anti-gun people to see both sides of the issue.
Ronin, I was thinking when the oil runs out maybe we could have a nice little commune or something. I'm not inviting you if you're just gonna shoot everyone.
I see both sides of the issue. I understand why people want guns and I agree that they offer a certain kind of protection. I still don't want one and I still think the world would be better off if nobody had them.
I will only take out the bad guys. Fair enough?
I'm curious. Are you really interested in getting feedback from anti-gun, pro-registration I must have a waiting period leftist liberals? Because when you call people candyass and lilylivered, it tends to make them not want to have a conversation with you. So, was the point of your post to open a dialogue, or to rant?
You seem very defensive, particularly for a guy who is so heavily armed.
Sorry. I have no interest in using a gun. In any situation. I'm prepared for my lack of gun experience, even if it should mean my own demise. I appreciate your passion for guns and this is your forum, so you say what you want. I just think that the less guns are fired in this world, in whatever capacity, the better. Hey, what can I say? I'm an idealist (and apparently, a candyass).
Actually, I'm a defense oriented person. That's what the sidearm is for. I just think that when push comes to shove you can throw down or go down, the choice is yours. But, I guess I could of used the word pussy instead of candyass.
I appreciate your idealism and if you could promise me that you could get rid of every gun, I would gladly turn all of mine in. However, the gun is a weapon that we cannot de-invent. So if they have them, I want them. Take care dude1
The reason I carry and use firearms are to protect my family and me. Do I love my guns? Yes! Do I practice regularly? Yes! If someone could guarantee that by some miracle or divine intervention, that we could get rid of all firearms, then great. I would gladly give mine up. Why? Because I wouldn't need to protect myself from the badguys you carry anymore. You see, about fifteen or twenty years ago, you have an argument with a guy and you could settle it like gentlemen or you could go out in the alley and throw hands. Nowadays, guns have changed all that. You have an argument, or a break-in, or a carjacking and it's a turkey shoot. I'd rather we didn't have them at all. But guess what Chris, WE DO. So I would like to have it and not needed than need it and not have it. I don't see that as caving in to anyone, it is what it is. I respect the Ganhdi's of the world and the MLK's but I'm never going to sit there and let someone punch me in the mouth or threaten my life with a weapon if I can prevent it. A sidearm helps with that. Let me just ask you one thing that maybe will help me understand the left wing pertaining to gun control. What type of neigborhood are you from?
First, you're not going to understand the left wing based on the things that I, or any one person says. This may be part of your problem. You seem to want to lump everyone's objections to guns into one nice, neat package. It can't be done. Different people have different reasons.
Does it matter what type of neighborhood I'm from? If I told you I was from some idyllic town with minimal gun violence, does that mean I am not entitled to an opinion? I think denying my right to an opinion is borderline un-American. If you happen to be living in a place where you don't feel safe walking around without your gun, my sympathies. I'd hate a life like that, but that's just me. There are plenty of homes for sale in my town if you're looking for a way out.
Ronin, I'm going to do something for you that I have not yet done on the internet. I'm going to share some very personal stuff that may shed some light on why I (not the left) don't want to use a gun.
When I was eight-years-old, I was in a horrible bicycle accident. Basically, I was going down a hill too fast, hit something, and flew head-first over my handlebars and landed face-first on the pavement. I was unconscious and had to be ruushed to the hospital. While there, I had a very profound experience that was unclear to me at the time. Fast-forward to 1999. I had been reading a number of books about near-death experiences. It triggered some stuff that I had suppressed from the accident. Now, you have every right to dismiss this stuff as new-age crap and I openly admit that it could all be BS. All I can tell you is that the accounts I read were amazingly similar to my own experience.
This is why I believe in the idea of life after life and reincarnation. I also have a vision of what I want the world to someday be (evolution didn't stop when we got our thumbs!). In my ideal world, people wouldn't let fear, hate, or anger manifest themselves as physical violence. Now, I realize that I alone can't do anything to prevent people today from using guns to settle differences. I can only control my own actions. In order to work towards my ideal world, I have to live now the way I want things to someday be. So it is incumbent upon me to absorb any sort of anger towards me and offer forgiveness and kindness in return. This is the short answer (if you can believe it). I don't fear death, so if someone is intent on shooting me, I'm prepared for that. The funny thing is I have made it 34 years without EVER witnessing a firearm being shot inmy presence, outside of a BB gun or compond bow.
My question for you is: Do you consider yourself a Christian? If so, what are you so afraid of?
The reason I wanted to know what type of neighborhood your from is, I wanted to maybe understand your views a little better. You see, if you were from a highly affluent, clean street, white picket fence neighborhood, I would say, "Sure I can see why he doesn't believe in protection." On the otherhand, if you were from South Central, you would be crazy not to have a sidearm (and you don't seem crazy). I respect the left and I respect the right and believe it or not I respect your opinion. What I don't respect is people that lie, cheat, steal and basically, are unprincipled. I think it's wonderful that you believe in the afterlife. And as far as being a christian, who knows? I've studied several religions and I can't really wrap my arms around any of them fully. So I pick and choose what I want to take from each and everyone of them.
On a personal note, I have seen many of my friends and few family members succumb to gun violence and I am not ready to leave this place if I can help it. I had in-justice, and if I can stop it, I will. Let me ask you this...... Do you believe that war is ever necessary? (and please don't talk about the war on terror and Iraq) We both know that was just an Oil grab and a way for Dubya to get back at the guy that threatened his daddy in '93). Look forward to hearing your response and I'm sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you ride with a helmet now.
I meant to say I hate in-justice!
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